Here are five “narrative aspects” that can assist you in drawing in the appropriate clients for freelance writing at the appropriate rates and quantities.

Some companies tell gruesome or frightful tales. Many companies tell dull stories. Consider the components that, in your opinion, make a more enticing tale about a writing firm – the kind of story that draws in more fantastic clients for freelance writing and higher earnings.

Of course, you need to write well if you’re a professional writer. However, success as a writer isn’t solely dependent on talent; it also depends on shrewd positioning. It is the underlying narrative that your company uses.

1. Your Voice

The voice of your marketing is one of the most crucial story aspects you have for any business, but especially for writers. What does that look like right now on your website? Do you sound informal and conversational or stiff and formal? Because similar things tend to attract one another, your writing voice will likely draw clients who share those traits.

Your decisions attract the kind of freelance writing clients you desire. Consider the following elements that your writing voice embodies:

  • Easily at ease… or in a train wreck?
  • Professionally reassuring… or fussy?
  • Embarrassingly approachable… or careless?
  • Exceptionally meticulous… or nitpicky?
  • Inventively quick… or sidetracked?

They are always arbitrary. You might find something that I find obnoxious and controlling to be enticingly meticulous. Compared to typical people, you have more control over the types of tone you use in writing. Utilize that talent to communicate the traits you wish to see more of in your clientele.

2. Your Site

Freelance writing clients seek authors who are familiar with current web technologies. When your website design appears to be ten years old, it is difficult to come off as knowledgeable and web-savvy. Even if you don’t have to follow every design fad, your website still needs to look current, tidy, and new.

3. Your Pricing

One of the most potent nonverbal cues in any business narrative is price. You don’t want your freelance writing clients to view you as the copywriting equivalent of Two-Buck Chuck. As a freelance writer, you must offer services, which entails selling your time. The one thing you can never get more of is hours of your life. Simply said, it doesn’t make sense to sell those hours at a loss.

Of course, you shouldn’t anticipate being able to charge the same prices as an experienced writer if you’re just starting out. Your first priority should be to work really hard to become extremely, extremely good in order to spend as little time as possible in “Two-Buck Chuck” zone.

4. Your Area of Expertise

Many wise authors begin thinking about their stance here, and it makes for an excellent plot point.
None of us are proficient in everything. What skill do you excel in? What are you capable of excelling at? Many astute freelancers concentrate on strong topical ecosystems, such as law, technology, or healthcare. They stay current so they may write on those subjects with authority. Additionally, they can charge costs that are substantially greater than those of a writer who can “do it all.”

5. Your scrupulousness

The issue is dependability. It has a significant effect when clients discover a writer who consistently follows through on her commitments.
Quickly respond to client questions. (This alone will have a big influence on your earnings over a year.) A follow-up. Keep track of your due dates.

No available bandwidth for new clients at this time? On your website, create a short waiting list. Include a straightforward email autoresponder to inform them that you’ll get back in touch as soon as you have the opportunity to give them your complete professional attention.

You need to treat your freelance writing clients like treasures if you want to draw in and keep great ones. It will be observed. Your writing may be regarded as a valuable service or as a commodity. Because you’re a skilled writer and knowledgeable marketer, the cool thing is that you get to decide.

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